Summer Singles 2025


Date; Sunday July 20th 2025

Time; 08.30 at the fishery.

Entry Fee; £40.00. 

A £20.00 NON REFUINDABLE deposit Must be paid at least 1 week before Sunday 25th July, to secure your place. We will only have 32 Places. (The sooner the better.)

Paypal,  FRIENDS & FAMILY payment only.

or at the fishery.


1. Only 2 rod max set up.

2. Barbless or debarbed hooks only.

3. Maximum of six fish per peg. First fish 2 point each after that 1 point. 3 bonus points for a Goldie. If you bag up you must STOP fishing.


5. Move 4 Pegs every 30 minutes, 5 minutes between each peg. Start on the whistle, stop on the whistle.

Prizes will be confirmed nearer the time.

Lunch will be provided.